(1800 238 622)
Human Rights are Our Rights
The Human Rights laws of Australia are in place to protect the interests of all people.
Typically though, our people are less likely to pursue the rights that are afforded to us because the process of making the complaint and pursuing justice is confusing and can be put well beyond the ability of an average person and then it becomes too frustrating to pursue and the perpetrators get away with treating our people less favourably as a result.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation - Advocacy Service exists to assist our people with these very matters and can assist with everything from discrimination, Fair Work matters, workers' compensation reviews and appeals and all matters concerning your social and welfare needs.
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Workplace Discrimination
We are bringing the concerns of our people to the appropriate jurisdictions to address ongoing discrimination in Australian workplaces.
Embracing the United Nations - International Labour Organisation Conventions on all things employment and addressing the fundamental Human Rights afforded to all people, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation - Advocacy Service is assisting our people to bring just outcomes to the people who might not otherwise have an opportunity to take on employers and those who unlawfully discriminate against the interests of our people.
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